Eyeglasses Exam Vs. Contact Lens Exam: What's the Difference?

An eye exam can inform you about your vision and eye health. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you can have either an eyeglasses exam or a contact lens exam. These two eye exams are essential in finding out the right type of lens that fits your needs. Here are the differences that you should consider between an eyeglasses exam and a contact lens exam.


Eyeglasses Exam


This is also known as a comprehensive eye exam. It is an important component of your general health. An eyeglasses exam can tell your eye doctor what your prescription strength should be. It can check how well your eyes work together. Some eye doctors also check for signs of diabetes or hypertension. They can dilate your eyes and check your level of intraocular pressure.


Your eye doctor can use different tests, such as the one that uses an eye chart. The eye doctor can then determine how healthy your eyes are. Eyeglasses exams can tell your eye doctor if you need vision correction. Below are some of the tests that your eye doctor can use:


·      Cover test for eye alignment.

·      Stereopsis test for depth perception.

·      Retinoscopy for getting an estimate of the eyeglass prescription.

·      Visual field test for peripheral vision.

·      Refraction test for getting the exact prescription.


An eyeglasses exam is for lenses that are away from your eyes by 12 millimeters. The eye doctor can change these lenses if they do not fit your changing vision anymore. You can also change the frames each time you get a new pair of prescription eyeglasses.


Contact Lens Exam


You will need this exam after a comprehensive eye exam if you want to wear contact lenses instead of eyeglasses. The eye doctor will measure your eye surface first. This will help determine the type and size of contact lenses that can help you the most. A tear film assessment can ensure that you have enough tear production for comfortable contact lens wearing. After these tests, your eye doctor can write a contact lens prescription that fits your eyes well.


A contact lens exam will tell your eye doctor if contact lenses are suitable for you. Every eye is different. This means that your contact lens prescription will only fit your eyes. Your contact lenses should fit the shape of your cornea. Otherwise, you will experience discomfort.


Prescription contact lenses will sit on your eyes. That is why ill-fitting contacts can damage your eye health. After your contact lens exam, you must decide if you want extended wear or disposable contact lenses. You may also want to think about wearing either clear or colored contacts.


You will wear trial contact for a few days. This will allow you to adjust to your new contacts. After a week, you will go back to your eye doctor. The checkup will determine if you have already adjusted to your new contacts.


Your eye doctor can guide you through your eyeglasses or contact lens exam. At Auglaize Family Eye Care, we always make sure that our patients get comfortable prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses.

To schedule an appointment or inquire about our packages, call Auglaize Family eye Care at 419-775-4300 to reach us in Wapakoneta, Ohio.

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