Vision therapy is a treatment approach that is based on behavior. Vision therapy can correct eye problems that affect the patient’s ability to receive and process information. You may have perfect vision when tested using a vision chart. You may even have passed vision screening, but you could still suffer from developmental vision problems. The problems usually occur in focusing, eye movement, eye teaming, and visual processing.
Optimal vision is vital for learning and getting around effectively. If your vision is compromised, you may find it difficult to perform certain tasks. If you find that glasses and contacts do not offer much relief, you can consider getting vision therapy. Several eye conditions can be corrected using this therapy.
Vision therapy is a form of alternative treatment that uses personalized techniques to target particular vision problems. This non-invasive, drug-free therapy is a safe option for those looking for an alternative to corrective eyewear. The therapy is safe for children and adults and it is especially effective for kids who have vision developmental problems. Vision therapy is usually conducted in an office, where sessions last between 30 minutes to one hour.
There are eye conditions that cannot be corrected with glasses or contacts. Vision therapy can be helpful in these situations. Here are some conditions that can be treated using the therapy.
The eyes are supposed to focus automatically, which allows you to see distant things. Some people do not have this focusing function and it can cause difficulty when trying to change focus fast. Focusing problems can lead to blurred vision, difficulty reading and writing, and eyestrain. Vision therapy trains the eyes, forcing them to focus faster on objects at various distances.
The depth perception function allows an individual to gauge distances between objects. When it works correctly, you always know how far or close objects are from you. The ability to perceive in three dimensions is responsible for depth perception. If an individual is missing this function, their perception is not accurate. Vision therapy can help with this problem.
Hand-eye coordination is important for work, playing sports, and performing other activities. The coordination works effectively as the brain communicates visual information with the arms, hands, and legs. Vision therapy can help in training underdeveloped coordination skills. It will help the brain and the body to be in tune for better communication.
Crossed eyes are a condition that affects both adults and children. The eyes are crossed and they may drift outwards. If not treated, the condition can cause poor vision and other vision problems. Surgery can help with this condition but vision therapy has also proven to be effective.
Vision therapy can also be used to treat amblyopia or lazy eye, binocular dysfunction or eye-teaming problems, and eye movement dysfunction. The program will usually involve special lenses, prisms, filters, and other instruments. The program is customized for every patient. Depending on your condition and your program, you may need weekly or twice-weekly sessions. The sessions continue until you reach your desired vision goal.
To learn more about vision therapy, contact Auglaize Family Eye Care in Wapakoneta, Ohio at (419) 775-4300 to book an appointment today.